Who needs a King?
The illegitimacy of human Kingship
A Clash of Civilisations: Christianity & Islam Part 1 – The Life of Muhammed
With the recent beheadings and shootings in France, Islam – or at least that radical expression of it known as Islamism - has forced its way back into the headlines and tv news programmes of the western world. Truth be told though, it has never been far from the news for the last fifty years. From the days of the Palestine Liberation Organisation and Black September terrorist groups in the 1970s, through to current groups such as Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Boko Haram and Al-Shabab, the last fifty years has been peppered with incidents and wars inspired by Islam. These recent iterations of Islamic violence are symptomatic of an approach to advancing the faith that goes back to the earliest days of Islam and the example of their prophet Muhammed himself. Warfare and conquest are in the Islamic DNA.
Trying to bring sense, perspective and understanding into the cascading events of the world as social and political tides push and pull us ever further from our mooring.